OJP is now accepting applicants for
our last 3 online skills training for 2015...
our last 3 online skills training for 2015...
1. ONLINE CONTENT WRITING (May 25 to 29, 2015):
Earn $1 to $3 per hour while posting comments online. Get paid for sharing your opinions and for joining online discussions. Improve your English writing and communication skills. Learn online places where you can acquire online content writing jobs. Best part-time jobs for newbie writers.
2. BLOGGING FOR FUN & PROFITS (June 8 to 19, 2015):
Earn $100 up per month while having fun blogging about your interests. Improve your English writing skills and your blogging skills as well. Learn how you can earn from your blog and your blogging skills. Learn how you can create a fully-functional blog that can give you passive and active income monthly.
3. ONLINE JOBS HUNTING (July 6 to 10, 2015):
Earn $300 to $500 (or more) monthly while working as an online freelancer or virtual assistant. Learn where you can find legit work at home jobs without registration/membership fees. Learn tips and tricks to get hired as an online freelancer or virtual assistant.
Above online skills training courses are recommended to students, retirees, stay-at-home parents, PWDs (People or Persons With Disabilities) and all other Filipinos with internet access and looking for full or part-time home-based income opportunities.
1. Must know how to follow instructions.
2. Knows how to communicate in English (or willing to improve).
3. Must allot at least 1 hour daily to focus on the lessons, activities and assignments.
(Please read carefully and follow instructions correctly.)
STEP #1.
>> Visit our Facebook page here.
STEP #2.
>> Send us a message (via FB) with the following details:
*Subject title should be: "I WANT TO LEARN & EARN ONLINE"
*Your message must include the following:
(Please read carefully and follow instructions correctly.)
STEP #1.
>> Visit our Facebook page here.
STEP #2.
>> Send us a message (via FB) with the following details:
*Subject title should be: "I WANT TO LEARN & EARN ONLINE"
*Your message must include the following:
- Your nickname and your location (country and city).
- Where did you first learn about the training (Google search, Facebook, From an OJP member, etc.)
- Your online skills or work experience (if any).
- What training are you most interested in? (Content Writing, Blogging or Online Jobs Hunting)
- Your short message (optional).
STEP #3.
>> Wait for our reply for further instructions.
Please read carefully and follow instructions correctly.
It is very hard to find FREE and "mentored" online skills training courses like these.
We are offering it for free to promote our advocacy to spread online jobs awareness among Filipinos.
Please do not apply if you're only curious as we prefer serious and committed applicants only.
So if you're really committed and willing to learn - Take advantage of this free learning opportunity as we might not offer it this way again.
To OJP Club Members: You are all automatically enrolled and have the option to actively participate in the training (or just observed). All you have to do is visit our club when training starts.
To OJP Forum Members: Just send me (Admin) a PM (private message) at the forum that you're interested to join the training and I will send you an invite to join the club (our online training venue).
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